Saturday, December 12, 2020

Strange Deaths Vol 1: Prodigy

Prodigy from Mobb Deep spent pretty much his entire career in a war against the Illuminati. So when he died via mysterious circumstances at the young age of 42, many fans immediately suspected there had to be some sort on conspiracy involved. 

He regularly spoke out on the evils of the world. At the time of his death, he was working on a play called "The Illuminati Ball," which exposed all kids of weird rituals and practices of the elite. 

Initially, TMZ posted a story abut how he was hospitalized due to complications of his sickle-cell disease. Later, they reported he "choked on an egg" on the morning of his death.

This is what set a lot of fans off. Prodigy, a man known for stabbing brains with nose bones, gets murked out by a breakfast item? In a way, it almost seemed like a mockery just to make fun of his passing. 

So was there a conspiracy involved in the death of Prodigy? Let's take a look at the possibilities. In order of descending madness:

  1. Sickle-Cell + Choking (No Conspiracy) 
  2. Wrongful Death
  3. Illuminati Snuffed Him Out With An Egg
  4. Soul Harvested by Shadow Demon

No Conspiracy

Putting all conspiracy theories aside, Prodigy was 42 when he died. The average life expectancy for someone with sickle-cell? 42. Although he seemed to be in better shape prior to his death, he didn't always live the healthiest lifestyle.

If his body was weak enough from disease it's possible he was too weak to properly eat. Just like the official story states, he died from choking. It's also possible he suffocated due to a pulmonary issue, one of the leading causes of death from sickle-cell patients. 

Wrongful Death

If he died via choking, it raises a natural question: why wasn't someone in his condition being supervised at a time like this?

In his book My Infamous Life, he described mistreatment from hospital staff going all the way back to his time as a young kid:
"I learned to make my presence felt in the emergency room. The squeaky wheel got the oil. My parents had been trying to coach me on how to conduct myself, but I didn’t catch on. Make noise! Hospital ERs didn’t give a good goddamn about people with sickle-cell. By the time I hit my teens, going to the ER was like going to war."

"As a child, I’d be in the emergency room screaming and squirming on the stretcher like I was about to die. Some evil nurses and doctors would try to shut me up. When they couldn’t, they called security, wheeled me into a back room, and closed the door to muffle my screams."  

About a year after his passing, The Source reported that Prodigy's family was filing a lawsuit against the hospital.

The Source is exclusively reporting that on June 15th, Prodigy’s family and estate filed a wrongful death lawsuit in Las Vegas against the hospital that was treating Prodigy when he died.

The complaint alleges that the Spring Valley Medical Center, as well as one of its physicians, provided improper medical care which resulted in Prodigy’s death.

It was reported at the time that Prodigy passed away from choking on food. The complaint, which was filed on behalf of the family by The Gage Law Firm, alleges that the Spring Valley hospital breached their duty of care for Prodigy by “failing to maintain a working IV access,” and by “failing to continuously monitor oxygen levels” as ordered by physicians in the hospital and that those failures lead to the death of Prodigy.

As of this writing, still no update on the lawsuit. 

Illuminati Snuffed Him Out With An Egg

To many, the strangest and most questionable part of this story is that he died while choking on an egg. Why an egg? If you run a Google search for "death by choking on egg" and remove any Prodigy-related results, there's only a handful of stories. I was able to find one with interesting parallels. To settle an argument with a friend, 2 Indian men began an egg-eating competition. One of the men ate 41 eggs - in a row. On the 42nd egg, the man died. His age? 42. 

A 42 year old man dies while eating his 42nd egg... and Prodigy also died at 42 from apparent egg-related causes. Finding the connection here might unlock the secrets of the universe.

Anywho, back the to the meaning of the egg. Across basically every culture, the egg is incredibly powerful and symbolic. 

From Art Depedence:

"Ancient traditions used to link the egg to the creation of the universe, suggesting that the Earth itself may have been born out of an egg. There is also an interesting contrast between the soft interior and the protective tough exterior, evoking ideas of protection and hidden secrets."

"Eggs have particular resonance in the Christian faith where they have become associated with Easter and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Eggs also take on an important role in the Jewish Passover holiday where they have become a symbol of sacrifice and loss."

More info from

"[Eggs] played a symbolic role in the Egyptian myth of Creation. Romans used eggs as a burial offering. The custom of giving eggs as gifts continues today, especially at Easter, the celebration of resurrection and the awakening of nature. An egg became a symbol of life because it encloses nascent life to emerge from it. It embodies the idea of rebirth and rejuvenation in the cycle of life, reflected also in its shape, with neither beginning nor end." 

If the Illuminati or some other secret society was truly behind his death, then naturally symbolism must be involved somehow. It's the name of their game. If they view the egg as a symbolic representation of the cycle of life, then by using it choke someone to death, they are sending a message that resistance is futile - the opposition will forever be silenced. It's almost kind of clever.

It's also interesting that he died on the Summer Solstice. Many cultures also view the solstice as a representation of the cycle of life - just like the egg. Killing a man called "Prodigy" with an egg on the summer solstice has Illuminati written all over it.

So is it possible that in the middle of that night, a Man in Black or other government agent entered his room, murdered him, and left without a trace of evidence?

Soul Harvested by Shadow Demon

Here's where it gets really crazy. All throughout Prodigy's life, he was obsessed with the paranormal. At 2 different points during Prodigy's life, he encountered UFOs, both of which are described in his book.

At one point, at a time when he was totally consumed with negativity, he had a horrific encounter with an evil entity known as a Shadow Person.

A shadow person (also known as a shadow figure, shadow being or black mass) is the perception of a patch of shadow as a living, humanoid figure, and, interpreted as the presence of a spirit or other entity. A number of religions, legends, and belief systems describe shadowy spiritual beings or supernatural entities such as shades of the underworld.

Prodigy: "At around one A.M., I went to my bedroom, turned my stereo to the Quiet Storm radio show on WBLS—old-school R&B slow jams—and turned off the lights. The only light in my room was the dim glow from the stereo-system equalizer and tuner." 

"As I lay relaxing to the old-school sounds, I saw a black, shadowlike figure walk across my room. It looked like the black Spider-Man—no face, no features, ghostlike, all black. Scared, I pulled the sheet over my head and forced myself to sleep."

"When I couldn’t control the way the film was going, I lost my mind. It seemed like that shadow was all the negativity that I had flushed out of my mind, body, and soul just waiting for an opportunity to jump back inside me. And it did. The next morning, I woke up with sickle-cell pain."

To learn more about the Shadow People, let's turn towards the expert: a Native American elder known simply as Thunder Strikes.

In one of the best episodes of Coast to Coast AM, Art Bell spends a few hours discussing the Shadow People with Mr. Strikes. He describes them as "non-beings" who have "always existed." They exist within dimensions parallels to ours, and also have the power to invade the dream world. Interestingly, he also notes that after the year 2000 is when these shadow beings started appearing in great numbers here in our world. 2000, he says, is when "the quickening" began, basically an acceleration of chaos towards humanity's ultimate doom. When did Prodigy first encounter a shadow being? The year 2001. Coincidence? 

Thunder Strikes, and many others, say the shadow people prey on the negative emotions of humans: fear, doubt, disgust, sadness, rage, loneliness, anger, etc. Throughout the show, several callers mention how their nightly-visitations from the shadow people started at a time when they were overwhelmed with negative emotion - just like with Prodigy.

While most encounters with shadow people don't involve the person being physically harmed, there are a few exceptions.

At around an hour and twenty minutes into the show, a woman calls in to tell a story about being assaulted by a shadow-being who looks exactly like Zorro. The being grabbed her by the neck and choked her. A few days later, she noticed a lump in her throat. This was later diagnosed as cancer. 

A similar story of a Shadow Person actually attacking someone can be found in The Hat Man: The Story Story of Evil Encounters by Heidi Hollis.

Dear Heidi,

I heard an old interview you did probably three years ago that caught my attention because you mentioned The Hat Man and Shadow People. 

One night in my bedroom I saw a black figure in a large brim hat with a cape. Like most scared kids do, I closed my eyes several times then reopened them hoping it would be gone. By the third time he was gone and I began hearing my mother mumbling in her sleep.

The next morning I told my sister my unbelievable story. As I relayed it to her she physically turned white. She told me that two weeks ago my father told her that he had been woken up by a figure that matched the same description. But this Hat Man had my father by the throat and was physically strangling him!

This Hat Man had his knee buried into my father’s chest as he strangled him, too! My father said this Hat Man felt like a lot of heavy weight was on his chest!

Heidi expands on this:

"When they get physical with their victims, choking a person seems to be a signature attack of The Hat Man and Shadow People. It has to be the most terrifying sensation to have something pounce on you out of nowhere in darkness and then attempt to strangle the life out of you!"

Back on Coast to Coast with Thunder Strikes, at around an hour and 42 minutes into the call, they begin discussing a variation of the shadow person that actually has the power to kill you. 

Art Bell: "Many people have said that they view some of these beings as Death coming to get you... or coming to escort you. One form of them does do that?

Thunder Strikes: "Yes, that is the entity that we call Twalanni (?) ... by the way, I will not say that word again due to a "stalking death." Um.. it literally tries to rob your spirit personality or steal it before it goes back to the great realm. There have been thousands of documented instances all of the world by different names. It is the personification of evil, the Christians called it Satan. It's the opposite of life. It's a predatory, malevolent death. It's not a death in one's choosing... it's a shock or accidental death."

Most of the time, the creatures are described as being attracted to fear. What if, however, one of these things was actually feeding off of Prodigy's pain from the sickle-cell disease?

 Thunder Strikes says the shadow people are "vampires" or "parasites" that leech energy from the host. They are naturally weak, without enough strength to appear or "cross over" in our world. He says that our negativity is what "completes" them. If this is true, then the unimaginable pain Prodigy felt would have been the perfect source of power. 

Over time, this demonic force constantly fed itself on Prodigy's suffering until it was able to manifest itself in our world. By killing Prodigy, it created itself.


Whenever someone who speaks out on secret societies or the government dies, there's going to be dozens of theories about it being some sort of Illuminati hit. I think this may be true with others, but not with Prodigy. Why wait until he was 42? He spent his entire career dropping truth bombs on the masses. If he was a threat who needed to be silenced, it would have been done years ago.

So was Prodigy's death just a case of negligence from the hospital? Was the egg story planted in the media as some sort of gag or inside-joke? Or was it all just a cover for something truly more sinister? 

There's countless stories and reports about encounters with the shadow people going back hundreds of years. If they feed on negative emotions, there's nothing that would attract them more than someone who was constantly feeling overwhelming, insufferable pain. 

Perhaps the shadow being that visited Prodigy earlier through his life returned for a final visit.


  1. hey man, badass site you have here. I love reading into this stuff. I'm from memphis myself. creepy shit. keep up the good work, you have an audience

  2. Love that you mentioned Art Bell and Coast to Coast. That shadow people stuff is scary.

  3. For all the killer's and the hundred dollar billers, for real we ain't got no fillers.
